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Contact Info
  • District 27
  • 82-01 Rockaway Blvd, Ozone Park, NY 11416

Welcome to Our District

Dear District 27 Community,

I am truly honored to be given the opportunity to serve as your Superintendent. As a former Principal, I haven’t forgotten the hard work of teachers, school staff and leaders; the dedication and commitment displayed by parents, families and community members in ensuring our students are provided with the best educational opportunities possible far too often go unnoticed. With all the obstacles that we have faced together and continued road to achievement moving forward, please know that I along with the entire District 27 team respects all that you do.

ReaD Mr. Norment letter

The Development Of The Vision & Mission Visual - Learn, Plan, Act


In Community School District 27, all students have the knowledge and real world skills that deepen their understanding of the importance of global and civic citizenship and lifelong learning strategies which impact academic success and career pathways.


The mission of Community School District 27 is to collaborate with stakeholders to reimagine our shared purpose and approach to teaching and learning as a springboard for equitable and quality instructional experiences that are grounded in data, social emotional learning, the science of reading, writing and the conceptual understanding of mathematical thinking, on al grade levels.


During this process, the Superintendent and his team continues to meet with various stakeholders and listens to their ideas on ways the D27 Superintedent’s office can strengthen and support our multiple constituents.



During this process, the Superintendent and his team continues to meet with various stakeholders and listens to their ideas on ways the D27 Superintedent’s office can strengthen and support our multiple constituents.



During this process, the Superintendent and his team continues to meet with various stakeholders and listens to their ideas on ways the D27 Superintedent’s office can strengthen and support our multiple constituents.


A Message From Mr. Norment, District 27 Superintendent

D27 Team members

Our Leadership

Meet out District 27 Team


David Norment

District 27 Superintendent

Raeven Askew

Deputy Superintendent

Melissa Compson

Deputy Superintendent